
Events, News, Headlines across the U.S.


The year seems to have been filled with an inordinate amount of high-profile deaths -- some even on the same day. Tell us who's death surprised you the most.


The year began with a harmonious glow at the inauguration of the first black president, as America marked a stunning victory over its racial demons.


The last thing you want to do is wait until the last minute to gather documents and get key information that will be needed to file on time. Having a strategy that focuses on filing your taxes will lead you on a path of success and will also help you save money or add cash to your wallet in 2010.


Tim Tebow had a record-setting night at the Superdome in New Orleans as the Florida Gators crushed the Cincinnati Bearcats 51-24 at the Sugar Bowl.


Whirlpool Corporation, the leading producer of major household appliances, must pay over $1 million to a black woman who was harassed for months in their Tennessee Plant.


Washington Wizard Gilbert Arenas brings guns to the Verizon Center.


The two most important things to consider regarding snacks for kids (and for us adults, for that matter) are variety and portion size. A good rule of thumb is to try incorporating two different food groups into any snack and to keep the portion size between 100 and 200 calories. Read on for more tips...


A former national leader of the White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan will be conducting evangelism campaigns and engaging in the ministry of racial reconciliation as an ordained minister in the largest body of black churchgoers in America.


The Catholic Archdiocese of Washington said that it will be unable to continue the social service programs it runs for the District if the city doesn’t change a proposed same-sex marriage law.


The man who allegedly tried to blow up a transatlantic passenger jet over Detroit has reportedly claimed that he is one from a production line of terrorists that has been trained in Yemen by al-Qaeda.


Celebrate the New Year with a new you -- by dipping into our smart batch of strategies to keep you happy and healthy (at no cost!) all year long.


Can you name 222 activities to help you burn calories? With all the cookies, pies, cakes, potatoes and stuffing you will eat this holiday season, let us help!