Daily Devotional

  How do you live by the word of God? How can you live by the Word of someone you cannot see? We all know the answer, Faith. “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” Hebrews 11:1 The trials and tribulations of life will come but our […]

  Happiness. Zappos believes in delivering it. Coke wants you to open it. Countless books try to help you achieve it. Research demonstrates that you are more productive with it. And yet the truth is that so few people feel it, especially at work. Why? Is it because leaders don’t create “happy” workplaces? Is it […]

Daily Devotional

    I often encounter people who assume that God sees them as worthless throwaways, deserving to be cast into the nearest hellfire, or punished by His awesome wrath. The truth is, God doesn’t see you or anyone else that way. He sees you as His beloved creation, with whom He desires to spend eternity. […]

  People all over the world are exhausted and stressed because they are working extremely long hours. Some never stop to spend quality time with their family and friends. Others health is failing because their work load is taking a physical toll on them as well. These and many other things are all happening in […]

  One of the most important things that Jesus told His disciples before going to the Father comes from what He said in Luke 24:49. “And behold, I am sending the promise of my Father upon you. But stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high.” Luke 24:49 (ESV) The disciples […]

      On His way from Bethany with the disciples, Jesus felt hungry, and seeing a fig tree in the distance, he went to see if he could find a fruit on it. Since it was not in season, he found nothing but leaves. And he said to it, “May no one ever eat […]

  Travel can be wonderful. But business travel is generally more like death by paper cuts. Last week I landed and was still a bit famished even after the eight tiny pretzels snack I was graciously given in flight. So I began to peruse the food options. I spotted a smoothie stand and that sounded […]

  When I asked the Lord, “What is it that YOU want to say this week?” He responded with, “The most important part of giving is worship.” Worship is the most important aspect of the Christian walk. It is through worship that we as believers draw near to God. It’s not all about us, or […]

  Traditionally, the church has conditioned Believers to think that being a Christian is hard work, with nothing but trials, tribulations, heavy loads and burdens. It has geared people to believe, “This life ain’t worth living, this world is no good, and thank God, hallelujah, one of these days, we’re going to heaven and we […]

Daily Devotional

  This week’s topic: The Gifts Of The Spirit We know the whole story—a son wastes his father’s best, and then in a state of desperation, comes home, only to find forgiveness instead of a flogging. We stand in judgment of him, like the other sibling who was so appalled that Dad wouldn’t at least […]

    In common logic, if you are struggling to make ends meet, then you should save as much as you can. Likewise, if all you have is a little, then you shouldn’t be expected to give, right? Wrong. Let’s take a journey together to the home of the widow of Zarephath, a few hours […]

  Are dishwashers more effective than hand washing dirty dishes?  I have always wondered about this.  As a child, being asked (or forced…) to hand…