
Thursday, President Obama launched a new effort aimed at empowering boys and young men of color, a segment of our society that he says too…


The White House released details of its “My Brother’s Keeper” initiative Thursday morning. The program to improve education and employment outcomes for minority male youths…


The White House has a new international issue to tackle: bad boy pop star Justin Bieber. According to reports, the Oval Office is required to…


The White House has released a report discussing the most-recent unemployment numbers from the Bureau Of Labor Statistics, and the African-American unemployment rate, is one…


President Barack Obama had the best of intentions when under the White House’s “We the People” initiative: Any person with Internet access can petition the…


President Obama endorsed controversial bans on assault weapons on Monday. At a White House Press Conference, the president told press members that he will unveil a comprehensive plan to curb gun violence within days. President Obama admitted that passing an assault weapons ban, through congress, would be difficult. However, Obama is willing to use his […]


A senior of the Congressional Black Caucus is displeased with the lack of diversity with President Obama’s new White House appointments. New York Congressman Charlie Rangel told MSNBC, on Thursday, that it’s “embarrassing as hell” that the president is facing the same charges the Democrats were accusing former presidential candidate Mitt Romney of. Rangel said: […]


WASHINGTON-The White House was on lock down for more than an hour after what appeared to be a smoke bomb was thrown over the fence onto the executive compound. The smoke bomb was thrown while between 1,000 and 1,500 people affiliated with Occupy D.C. were protesting outside the White House. Reuters reports: A majority of […]


WASHINGTON (AP) — Melody Barnes is leaving as White House chief domestic policy adviser at a time when President Barack Obama’s administration is getting little notice for its work on the home front to fix the struggling economy. SEE ALSO: Why Ron Paul Got A Free Pass Barnes, who will be gone by Tuesday, is […]


On Wednesday afternoon, law enforcement captured a man suspected in a shooting incident near the White House. Police took 21-year-old Oscar Ortega into custody at a hotel near Indiana, Pa.  Using information provided by the Secret Service, Pennsylvania State Police made the arrest at 12:35 p.m. Secret Service confirmed on Tuesday morning that 2 bullets […]


Thousands of protestors gathered outside the White House on Sunday to protest the construction of the Keystone pipeline, a 1,700 mile pipe set to funnel crude oil from Canada to oil refineries on the Gulf Coast. See also: Keystone Pipeline Infographic: ‘Built To Spill’ See also: A girl and her dog in South Africa Arguably, the most […]


WASHINGTON — The White House has rejected several petitions calling for the legalization of marijuana including one that would stop the federal government from interfering with individual states’ marijuana laws. The government has recently began shutting down marijuana dispensaries in California and has pledged to continue to do so. California Votes Down Marijuana Legalization Measure […]