
NEW YORK-Rev. Suzan Johnson Cook was sworn in as the first African American to be the White House Ambassador For Religious Freedom. The New York Daily News reports: She was the first woman to serve as a chaplain for the NYPD, a position she has held since 1990. After 9/11, she helped traumatized police officers […]


Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) will now ordain non-celibate gays and lesbians following ratification of a constitutional amendment late Tuesday night. The denomination needed 87 votes in order to ratify the constitutional amendment. The 87th vote came from a Minnesota presbytery that voted 205-56. This is a result of the fourth attempt since the late 1990’s to […]


LOS ANGELES-The Church Of Scientology is being investigated by the FBI for several illegal practices, according to blockbuster article in the New Yorker, that focuses on former Scientologist, Paul Haggis, who directed “Crash.” The article claims that Scientology members were forced to abandon their family, pay the Church, play high stakes games of musical chairs, […]


Trinidad (Trinidad-Guardian)– After 17 women fell ill in Trinidad, many Trinidadians are blaming it on a “Demon Attack.” The Trinidad Guardian Reports: Panic broke out at the Moruga Composite School yesterday as 17 female students fell mysteriously ill and began rolling on the ground, hissing and blabbering in a strange tongue, after suffering bouts of […]


Find out why the largest gathering of African-American atheists is a reminder that non-believers are not alone.


News and statistics on the impact of faith around the world.


God is such an amazing orchestrator sometimes — actually, all the time. We tend to forget this until His plan manifests. And today was one of those days.


Imagine getting arrested for just striking up a conversation about religion in public.