
Events, News, Headlines across the U.S.


Richard and Mayumi Heene are to plead Friday morning in Larimer County Court, according to a statement issued by Richard Heene's attorney.


Wednesday, November 11, 2009 is Veterans Day in the United States, a federal and state holiday intended to provide Americans with an opportunity to thank those who fought for the country. Find out how you can thank our Veterans.


A deputy at the Coweta County jail, about 40 miles south of Atlanta, has confirmed that Williams remains in custody this morning. Listen to the 911 call.


Elizabeth Lambert has been suspended indefinitely after engaging in rough play -- including hauling an opposing player to the ground by her pony tail. Watch the video footage, what do you think?


Whether it’s in the morning, during lunch or in the evening, most people try to block out some time every day for prayer.


It's Friday y’all and I need a Sabbath. I know you have thought those same words. Ok, so maybe you have not said you needed a Sabbath but how about a vacation, a mental health day, a something away from the things that are currently going on.


Saratoga Springs made history Tuesday night, becoming the first Utah city to elect a black woman as mayor.


At least eight people were injured in a mass shooting inside a downtown Orlando high-rise just before noon Friday.


Oprah Winfrey is removing Gospel singer BeBe Winans from her show's "Karaoke challenge" until charges against him for allegedly pushing his ex-wife to the ground are resolved.


Sally Mcdonnell from Fox 26 in Houston just called into the Yolanda Adams Morning Show with an update.


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