About DJ J Dough & Nella D


What you need to know about movie popcorn and other movie snacks.


Get lunch in the bag -- in a hurry. Bringing a lunch to work is a great idea for lots of reasons: it saves calories, it saves money, and it even saves time, allowing you to relax at lunch instead of fighting the crowds at fast-food restaurants.


Are you ready for some warm weather? What are you looking forward to the most on our first warm day?


You knew it had to happen…White House Social Secretary Desiree Rogers has just announced she is resigning:


The Constitution of the United States of America is the supreme law of the United States. It is the foundation and source of the legal authority underlying the existence of the United States of America and the federal government of the United States. Click here to take our new Black History Month poll question!

The man Martin Luther King Jr. called "an apostle of peace and nonviolence" has been a teacher, writer and vocal opponent of war. Here, Thich Nhat Hanh shares a few words of wisdom.


Friends say they had no inkling of the rage tormenting a man believed to have deliberately crashed a small plane Thursday into an Internal Revenue Service building.


Shame on you Vanity Fair! Some call it a cover snub, lets call it what it is…. wrong.  Good enough for an Oscar, not worthy of your cover? Proud of  Gabourney for taking the high road and I have nothing else to add.


The first African American to be a division head in the Dept. of State (1945), he entered the United Nations in 1946 as director of the Trusteeship Division. For more information visit our Celebrate Black History page.


Toyota President Akio Toyoda said Wednesday he has no plans to appear before a U.S. Congressional committee next week.

In addition to an extensive teaching career at such colleges as DePauw University, which would not offer him a professorship because he was African American, Howard University and West Virginia State College, Percy Lavon Julian made significant discoveries in the private sector. In 1935 Julian developed physostigmine, a drug that is used in the treatment […]


Thank you for registering for tickets to see ”Porgy and Bess” at the Aronoff! Good luck and keep visiting TheBuzzCincy.com for more contests!