
  Tasha Thomas cried and swore on the lives of relatives that John Crawford III was not carrying a firearm before entering a Walmart. Before…


In an interview with NewsOne, the mother of  slain Cleveland 12-year-old Tamir Rice described a heartbreaking decision that no parent should have to make. Flanked…


Washington, D.C. hosted the most high-profile and traditional of Saturday’s protests against racial bias in the legal system.  The march and rally was organized by National Action…


As thousands march in Washington DC, led by Reverend Al Sharpton, to ensure justice for all they’re sharing their experience with us and on social…

Rev. Al Sharpton and the families of  Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, Mike Brown, Akai Gurley and Tamir Rice are uniting to take a stand against police violence.…

News One Now

The Department of Justice has announced a new set of  rules to help curb racial profiling by federal law enforcement officials. These guidelines instruct federal law…


The federal government is taking broad new steps to ban profiling by law enforcement agencies, bolstering a 2003 policy that previously only addressed the consideration…

News One Now

Roland Martin, host of “NewsOne Now,” delivered an inspirational commentary about the current fight for social justice in the aftermath of the deaths of Mike Brown,…


Police supervisors at a prior job of a Cleveland, Ohio, officer—who last month shot and killed a 12-year-old Black child holding a toy gun—feared he…


Read the Top Five Trending Stories : 1. #ICANTBREATHE – 2. Police Officer who killed Tamir Rice “was deemed unfit for duty”. 3. Judge Traci Hunter Sentencing tomorrow- call to flood the courtroom with protest.- 4. Cosby’s alleged victims want 100 million dollars 5. Toy Gun By Back in Cleveland – Really?  […]

News One Now

Cleveland Police shot and killed 12-year-old Tamir Rice within seconds of encountering him. Rice was brandishing a toy gun. Surveillance video acquired from a youth center across…


  12/01/14- Roland Martin talks with Russ Mitchell about the latest in the Tamir Rice case.