
This Sunday at 8/7c, TV One and CNN will host the Ohio Democratic Presidential Town Hall helmed by NewsOne Now's Roland Martin and CNN's Jake Tapper at Ohio State University's Mershon Auditorium.


After Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump appeared to reluctantly disavow the endorsement of former KKK leader David Duke and then made supporters raise their right hands and pledge to vote for him, Saturday Night Live found perfect fodder to spoof an ad for the front-runner's candidacy.


At the top of a heated Democratic presidential primary debate on Sunday in Michigan, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders called on the state's Republican Gov. Rick Snyder to resign amid the Flint water crisis.


With the recent death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, the nation is on the brink of what could turn out to be one of the most contentious appointments in history. Appointed by Ronald Reagan, Scalia was staunchly conservative and interpreted the constitution closely. He was also notoriously anti-abortion, pro-death penalty and anti-affirmative action. Just weeks before […]


While Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump bragged about his penis size at the start of Thursday night's raucous debate in Detroit, Michigan, the Flint water crisis was the 33rd question.


Following his father's explicit refusal to disavow an endorsement from former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard David Duke, Donald Trump Jr. -- the eldest son of Republican presidential candidate and front runner Donald Trump -- appeared on a conservative radio show with a White supremacist.


A day after a dismal Super Tuesday performance, one-time Republican presidential front-runner Ben Carson is expected to drop out of the race, saying he does not see a "path forward," according to the Washington Post.


CNN projected Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to win the South Carolina primary Saturday, beating Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.


Strategically placing themselves at the front of the crowd, youth activist Ashley Williams, accompanied by a colleague, held a sign that displayed Clinton's previous comments in an effort to "bring her to confront her own words."


During one of the most open discussions yet about race among Democratic presidential candidates, front-runner Hillary Clinton delivered a heartfelt answer to a Black woman's question about how she would tackle institutional racism in post-Ferguson America.


Declaring his love for voters who swept him to victory Tuesday in the Nevada presidential caucuses, Donald Trump claimed his third straight victory in an early voting state.


On Monday's edition of NewsOne Now, Roland Martin and his panel of guests discussed Trump's assertion of doing well among African-American voters and the possibility of the GOP's front-runner winning the Republican presidential nomination.