
Simple question/Complex answer: “What Does It Mean To Be Equally Yoked?” Equally yoked is a biblical phrase referred in the Christian community that is oftentimes used to justify a decision made about marriage. I have heard people say that they were not equally yoked with someone because of a different upbringing, decision making process, beliefs, […]


For some, sex in the morning is like a daily does of Vitamin C. It gets their day started in the right direction. They have to have this morning inspiration or else their day feels….off. While others like myself, are lying in the bed farting, breathe smelling like fresh hot dog water, crust in my […]


Tyler Perry is back with “Why Did I Get Married Too?” - and fortunately, he brought all the original actors and actresses from the first movie with him.


When it comes to love, relationships can be like cars: constant care and adjustment (instead of pricey and painful visits to the body shop/marriage counselor) are often the best way to improve and strengthen your bond.