
Middle class America is vanishing and unless the nation creates an economic agenda focused on equality, it could be lost forever, according to the Rev. Jesse Jackson. SEE ALSO: Gingrich Leads With GOP, Loses With Everyone Else In order to maintain its existence, we need to expeditiously reinvigorate our economic equality. There is no time […]


New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie , is being criticized by Black leaders for comparing the Civil Rights movement to gay marriage in a  recent statement where he said he would veto a gay marriage bill and called for a referendum. Christie said, “I think people would have been happy to have a referendum on civil […]


Tiawanda Moore (pictured) has filed a suit against the city of Chicago, after she was arrested for secretly recording a police officer asking her not to file a charge against his co-worker for touching her inappropriately. SEE ALSO: White Students Yell N-Word While Beating Asian Student Moore, 21, called in to report an officer who’d […]


A feeling that cannot be described filled the morning air at Fountain Square in downtown Cincinnati. A sense of purpose and belonging connected everyone crowding the block. Hundreds of people gathered together to pay tribute to a man who’s legacy lives on in our hearts and minds. Martin Luther King Jr. was born January 16, […]


NEW YORK-Robert L. Carter, a federal judge who helped form the case against segregation in the historic Brown Vs. Board Of Education Supreme Court trial has died at age 94 after complications from a stroke. Carter was part of Thurgood Marshall’s NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund as a lawyer and helped win the historic […]


Plots to suppress the African American vote date back to the Reconstruction Era. Prior to the Voter Rights Act of 1965, these were some of the more commonly used tactics by conservatives who wanted to keep blacks from voting. SEE ALSO: Why Newt Scares Me Violence In 1873, a gang of whites in Colfax, Louisiana […]


The Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth, civil rights leader, has died in Birmingham at the age of 89.   Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth survived a bombing, assault, fire hoses and countless arrests while fighting for justice.  In 1997, he told a group of school children that he went to jail 30 or 40 times not for doing wrong but […]


Courtesy of: Pharoh Martin – Radio One Washington D.C., Via: After opening with Wednesday evening’s Honoring Global Leaders For Peace International Salute Gala, the Washington, D.C. Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial Project Foundation, Inc. continued its day celebration of Dr. King’s legacy with the Honoring Past, Present, Future Pioneers Civil Rights Pioneers […]


While Rosa Parks is cemented in American minds as a heroine of the Civil Rights Movement, a host of unsung Black women and their sacrifices for freedom are hardly mentioned. And yet, the list is long: Fannie Lou Hammer, Ella Baker, Dorothy Height, Septima Clark, Marian Wright Edelman… So as the masses gather in Washington […]


A majority of Americans say Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream of racial equality has been realized in the USA, although a significant divide between Black and white people’s perceptions of equality and race relations still exists, a new USA TODAY/Gallup Poll suggests. The Poll found that most Americans– 90% of whites and 85% of […]


In a statement released last week, the Department of Justice has declined to reopen the 46-year-old case on the assassination of Civil Rights leader Malcolm X. The department said the statute of limitations has expired on any federal laws that might apply to the case. Despite the DOJ’s dissent, Civil Rights activists are ardently pushing […]


1. By Any Means Necessary 2. Ballot or the Bullet 3. House Negro Vs. The Field Negro 4. Speech on Police Brutality 5. Speech at Oxford University