

Worrying can be a resourceful habit if you are trying to recruit high blood pressure, a migraine, or waste meaningless hours of your life.


Two years ago, the Boston Celtics beat the LA Lakers in the NBA finals. When the Celtics won the final game in the series, Kevin Garnett said the three most inspiring words anyone could say.


You won’t get through the next season of my life if I keep carrying around all this extra “weight.” Weight, more than anything else, will slow down your journey. It's time for some spring cleaning.


God is such an amazing orchestrator sometimes — actually, all the time. We tend to forget this until His plan manifests. And today was one of those days.


Ryan was found to suffer from acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), the most common form of childhood cancer, in February 2009.


At St. Jude, Colin received chemotherapy through a research trial for children under 3 years old with brain tumors. This month, he had another surgery to remove a tumor remnant. This additional surgery—and the success of it—has dramatically improved Colin's prognosis.


Have you gotten good at organizing your tasks in a to-do list, but have trouble actually executing them? You’re not alone.


What would you do if you had only 24 hours to live? What would you be grateful for? What would you say to those you had hurt? Could you forgive the people who had hurt you? How would you define your legacy?


There's no need to be down-trodden, take your mind out of the gutter. Like Donald Lawrence said in his song, there's a king in you!


Choose your friends carefully so you can set yourself up for success and be equipped to move forward in the destiny God has prepared for you!


How a Cleveland entrepreneur lost everything and bounced back after tangling with an infamous con man.


Lent is supposed to be a time in which we contemplate and attempt to get a deeper meaning out of our life and those around us.