Fitness and Health

The brand that helps "Badass women manage full lives naturally" recently expanded into the beauty space.

Tamika Harden was denied COVID-19 testing twice before finding out she had the virus.

In this turbulent economy, the pandemic is impacting this feel-good industry too. These three Black women to tell us how.

Fitness and Health

I am at high-risk so I'm taking these extra precautions to protect myself.

The coronavirus may seem like it's not that serious, but there are some of us who can't simply escape the threat.

These designers are making change one sewing machine at a time.

The threat of the coronavirus has left many of us working from home and/or self-quarantined in an effort to combat the spread of the mysterious virus that originated in Wuhan, China. Every sporting event has been cancelled. Disneyland is closed. NBA players to government officials to Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson have caught […]

Fitness and Health

After receiving a full scholarship to study medicine at the Latin America School of Medicine in Havana, Cuba, Dr. Arabia Mollette relocated to Cuba, where she studied and lived for seven and a half years. After she matriculated from medical school, Dr. Mollette completed her residency as an Emergency Medical Resident Physician at Newark Beth […]

The word ‘anxiety’ is so loosely tossed around. But what does it mean? While there is a fine line between feeling anxious and having anxiety, it is a very real feeling that we oftentimes mislabel as nerves, fear or shyness. Whether you’re about to do a big presentation at work or you’re walking into a […]

Often labeled as highly sensitive people, dare I speak for all of my fellow empaths when I say, it’s complicated. MUST READ: Relax, Relate, Release! 10 Ways To Improve Your Mental Health In 2020 Mercury is in retrograde and life has been hitting hard from all angles. When you’re an empath, your campsite begins to feel […]

Fitness and Health

The United States is in the midst of a maternal and infant health crisis. Every 12 hours a woman dies due to complications resulting from pregnancy and every two hours, we lose a baby. Women of color reading this post won’t be surprised to learn this problem doesn’t affect all American women equally. For black […]

For National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, Masonia Traylor has an important message for Black women about testing, stigma and putting their health first.