
In his final national security speech as commander-in-chief, Obama touts his counterterrorism policy wins. The president also cautioned Donald Trump against following through on his campaign rhetoric.


In an effort to address the pain of dozens of torture victims who experienced brutal treatment at the hands of former Chicago Police Cmdr. Jon…


Mitchelle Blair tortured her four children before killing two of them and storing their bodies in a freezer, according to an amended petition authorized by the…


Chicago, Illinois– Jon Burge, the former Chicago cop convicted of lying about his role in overseeing a ring of cops that tortured 100 black men, was sentenced to four and a half years in federal prison.


Interesting headlines from the week showcase the picture of an ex-Chicago officer who’s gotten himself into a sticky situation after being found guilty of lying under oath about the abuse and torture of criminal suspects. A federal jury deliberated three days in a row before finding former Chicago police Lieutenant Jon Burge was found guilty […]