Imagine you are the mother or father of a young man. One day, you get a phone call from the police, saying that your son has been gunned down. You then find out that the man, who shot your son, was simply upset because your son was playing music in his car too loud. That’s […]

Racial attitudes have not improved in the four years since the United States elected its first black president according to an Associated Press poll. A slight majority of Americans now express prejudice towards blacks, whether they recognize those feelings or not. Sonya Ross, the race ethnicity editor of the Associated Press, called in to the […]

By now, many of us have seen or heard of Shedia Lane: the 25 year-old woman that was punched by a Cleveland bus driver. That momement has become the uppercut that people cannot stop talking about. It has spawned a heated debate between people. On side, there are those who think she deserved it. The […]

Remember Kelly Williams-Bolar? She was the Akron woman, who was jailed for sending her kids to a school district where her father lived. Since then she is no longer in jail. Ohio Governor John Kasich reduced her charges, and now she works as an advocate for education. She has launched a new group, called the […]

So, the Kanye West-Kim Kardashian media machine continues to pump out news and controversy. And knowing this—that it is a well-oiled media engine designed to provoke attention and mass reaction—it bothers me that I’m forced to take the bait and talk about the controversial couple when I probably should be talking about something a bit […]

We’ve talked about voter I.D. and voter suppression on this website, and on the radio for quite a while. Our dialogue about it has not stopped. Sunday, during the Bobby Hilton Show, we reported that early voting is being extended in Ohio counties that vote mostly Republican. Some of these counties include Warren and Butler […]

Big political day on Saturday, as Mitt Romney unveiled his vice presidential pick, Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan. It did not take long for the opposition, that is the Obama-Biden campaign, to weigh in on Ryan as the pick. Of course he is the darling of conservatives and the tea party for his tough budget he […]


What would it be like if you were a pastor, in Aurora Colorado, that had to give a speech the weekend after the movie theater shooting? Imagine figuring out what to say when friday, an armed man walked into a live movie theater and killed twelve people. It would be real hard to think of […]

Is it archaic to label children, born out of wedlock, as illegitimate? That is part of a debate swirling in the african american community after a recent blog post called “Why Doesn’t The Black Community Value Marriage?” The author states while the “out of wedlock” rate is rising across the races, every other race, except […]


An excessive heat warning is in effect again for Hamilton County as a new week of steamy weather begins. The National Weather Service says the warning and heat advisories will remain in effect until 8:00 tonight with temperatures in the mid 90’s. A smog alert is also in effect today. For information on cooling centers […]

A crazy day ahead for everyone in Washington D.C. First, we will find out the Supreme Court’s decision on President Obama’s health care law. Also we will learn the outcome of today’s house vote on holding Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt. Yesterday, the Congressional Black Congress held a “members only” meeting to plot a […]

Previously, we told you about a lawsuit, filed by a group of men wanting to join a sorority. The group known as MIAKA, Men Interested in Alpha Kappa Alpha, are threatening to file a lawsuit claiming discrimination and homophobia. Jacque Reid invited a former member to call in, and the interview was not what you’d […]