
Michelle Bachman was quite tame in her Tea Party rebuttal, still it was an insult to the 6 people who died in Tuscon and the Congresswoman who was shot in the face to have her speak. Two years ago Bachman called for Americans to be “armed and dangerous” on the issue of energy tax. She […]


Below is the speech President Obama will give tonight Tonight I want to begin by congratulating the men and women of the 112th Congress, as well as your new Speaker, John Boehner. And as we mark this occasion, we are also mindful of the empty chair in this Chamber, and pray for the health of […]


State of the Union speeches tend to be forgotten almost as soon as they are delivered. The addresses tend to be a litany of (endless) policy proposals that never reach see the light of day and create a rhetorical formula that keeps presidents from reaching the heights of other speeches they give during their time […]