
Authorities say the Atlanta woman charged with pointed a loaded gun at a South Carolina congressman likely didn’t know the man’s position. SEE ALSO: Jackson…


Ernest Osel Addo (pictured) was arrested at his home in Austell, Ga., for allegedly posing as a doctor in South Carolina for more than six…


Glenn McConnell, the new lieutenant governor of South Carolina, has a fondest for recreating Confederacy-era dress and culture. He’s being sworn into today, and even though his Civil War affinity has received bad press, he is unapologetic about his unorthodox practices — such as hiring actors to play slaves. Think Progress reports: Senate President Pro […]


Columbia, S.C. – Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich easily won the primary here, pushing Mitt Romney from his perch as the frontrunner and setting up what might be a much longer GOP primary that was expected. Here’s a closer look at the results and what they mean. 1. Strong conservatives favored Gingrich The former House […]


A school in South Carolina is lending belts out to students who arrive to school with saggy pants. SEE ALSO: Ed Lover to NFL Players: Chill With The Celebrating!


Danny Hembree, a man from York County, South Carolina has admitted to killing 17-year-old Heather Catterton in 2009 so she wouldn’t sleep with Black men in exchange for crack cocaine. Hembree admitted to giving Catterton crack cocaine in exchange for sex himself, and says he also dated her sister and mother. He is also charged […]


MYRTLE BEACH, SOUTH CAROLINA-The NAACP will be looking at the way businesses and police treat African American motorcycle riders for Black Biker Week to monitor racial discrimination. WMBF reports: Thursday the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) announced year seven of Operation Bike Week Justice in Myrtle Beach. The organization will be […]

Civil rights groups, such as the ACLU, are imploring a federal judge to block enforcement Of a South Carolina jail policy banning books and newspapers. At the Berkeley County Detention Center in Moncks Corner, prisoners are only allowed to read the bible. However, officials at this prison are defending this rule, saying that they’re only […]


SUMMERVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA-Arthur Lee Thompson took police on a high speed chase after fighting an officer, getting tased and stealing a police car. Thompson was sought by police for allegedly stealing a computer from Wal-Mart. After fighting officers, Thompson stole one of their cop cars and took police on a high speed chase. Thompson would […]


SOUTH CAROLINA — Herman Cain, the former CEO of Godfather Pizza has won last night’s Fox News GOP Presidential debate which included Ron Paul and Tim Pawlenty according to a Fox News focus group. National Journal reports: An African-American newcomer who brags about his lack of Washington experience bests a field of more seasoned pols. […]


South Carolina –The 2011 federal observance day of Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday, brought the 11th Annual NAACP ‘Day At The Dome’, a march and rally in protest of the Confederate Flag and social injustices in Columbia, South Carolina. Mildred Gaddis  of AM 1200 WCHB and over 125 Detroiters left no stone unturned  in their […]


South Carolina — The NAACP will be protesting the 150th anniversary secession ball in Charleston, South Carolina. State reports: NAACP members and supporters plan to hold a peaceful march in downtown Charleston the day of the ball, on Dec. 20, followed by a meeting and question-and-answer session focusing on slavery. Participants will watch segments of […]