
As thousands march in Washington DC, led by Reverend Al Sharpton, to ensure justice for all they’re sharing their experience with us and on social…


CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Recent protests against the police killings of Eric Garner and Michael Brown have created a conundrum for the nation’s black fraternities and…

Rev. Al Sharpton and the families of  Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, Mike Brown, Akai Gurley and Tamir Rice are uniting to take a stand against police violence.…


St. Louis County prosecutor Bob McCulloch released the findings of a federal autopsy report on Michael Brown Monday, UPI reports. RELATED: Eric Holder Curbs Racial…

News One Now

Roland Martin, host of “NewsOne Now,” delivered an inspirational commentary about the current fight for social justice in the aftermath of the deaths of Mike Brown,…

News One Now

The movement #BlackLivesMatter was created in 2012 after Trayvon Martin’s murderer George Zimmerman was acquitted for his crime, and the slain 17-year old was posthumously placed on…

News One Now

On Wednesday, Black America was hit with a massive punch to its collective gut as we learned a Staten Island grand jury failed to indict NYPD…


Police supervisors at a prior job of a Cleveland, Ohio, officer—who last month shot and killed a 12-year-old Black child holding a toy gun—feared he…


News that Officer Darren Wilson resigned from the Ferguson Police Department on Saturday is unlikely to ease tensions in the aftermath of the grand jury…


Ferguson protesters have taken to the streets to rally against the Darren Wilson grand jury decision and against police brutality in many different ways. Some have…


Protesters with the NAACP began their march for justice Saturday in Ferguson. Hundreds answered the historic civil rights organization’s call in its response to the…


If you haven’t seen it, there’s a video circulating of Mike Brown’s stepfather, Louis Head standing outside the Ferguson, Mo., police headquarters shouting “Burn this…