Daily Praise

Erica Campbell delivers this Ericaism with BJ The Chicago Kid by her side! She talks about going out of the way to help other people, and going beyond just helping people when it’s convenient to do so. She says she thinks part of the reason she has been so blessed is because of her personal […]


All it takes is a little kindness, patience and caring to touch hearts. A Target cashier had no idea that treating an elderly customer paying…


James Moss of Colorado was reminded how strong the power of kindness can be after thousands of strangers raised over $30,000 for him and his son. Moss was featured on #GoBeKind, a YouTube series by philanthropist and motivational speaker Leon Logothetis, who performs random acts of kindness for people on the street. While being interviewed by Logothetis, the single father revealed […]


You cannot preach to others what you have not first practiced yourself. Find out how you can get better at reversing the process by practicing what you preach inside now.