
The stock market is opening today after yesterday’s bull rally when it learned that congress reached a deal over the “fiscal cliff” crisis. The fiscal cliff deal, however, is leaving many questions unresolved, including how to bring down the government’s trillion dollar deficit. Moody’s investor services is warning congress that it must come up with […]

You’re probably getting mixed news on whether or not your taxes are going up this year. You’re hearing income taxes staying the same for the middle-class, but you’re also hearing your payroll taxes are going up. It’s a lot more complicated than it looks, but we got you covered. Roland Martin, of the TJMS, invited […]


The House of Representatives passed the senate bill that would prevent the country’s economy from “going over the fiscal cliff”. Congress approved the measure with 257 members saying yes, and 167 members opposing the measure. The bill drew 85 votes from Republicans and 172 from Democrats, meaning well more than half of its support came […]


When it comes to caving on taxes to avoid the much ballyhooed fiscal cliff , President Barack Obama had made it clear that “that’s one…

This morning, on the TJMS, President Obama called in to talk to Tom, Sybil, and J about what’s going on in Washington. Of course there are a lot of things going on: from the possible Secretary of State nomination of Susan Rice, to the “fiscal cliff” negotiations. During the interview, the President broke down the […]


The political stalemate over the so-called fiscal cliff continued Sunday, and if remarks from the two party’s top negotiators were any indication, attempts for any sort of compromise have been put on hold. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner made the rounds on this Sunday’s talk shows, and while sounding cautiously optimistic, said the blame would lie […]