
When Donald Trump began his race-baiting political game by demanding that President Obama release his long form birth certificate, many of my friends vowed from that moment on to start their own personal boycotts of “The Apprentice,” and every other Donald Trump enterprise. Now they are far from alone. This week things really heated up […]


LONDON –With President Obama releasing his birth certificate, many Americans both Republican and Democrat knew that the “birther” conversation was now dead. But many Americans knew Republicans would come up with something else and the UK Daily Mail took the first step saying why Obama was so scared to release the certificate – his father. […]


After the birther fiasco, Donald Trump and the right wing fringe have turned to a new attack to discredit our President, claiming that he didn’t deserve to get into the Ivy League Schools he attended, Columbia University as an undergrad and Harvard Law School as a graduate student. The fact that Obama graduated Harvard Law […]


NEW YORK–President Barack Obama spoke on the release of his birth certificate during an interview with Oprah Winfrey on Wednesday shortly after the White House made the document public.


Below is an emotional video from the Director of Digital at TheOnion.Com Baratunde Thurston and some accompanying text on what he calls “racist” events of today: As I walked to work this morning, I got a text message from the @jjpolitics account on Twitter announcing that President Obama would release his long form birth certificate. […]


NEW YORK– Donald Trump is making claims that President Obama was a “terrible student” and was not qualified to get in to the Ivy League universities he attended.


At a recent event, legendary R&B singer, Etta James, continued her tirade against Beyonce, who played James in the movie, “Cadillac Records,” and extended her rant to President Barack Obama, who had Beyonce sing James’ song “At Last” at an inaugural ball. “You know, YOUR President, the one with the big ears-he ain’t MY President–had […]


I just returned from the Measuring the Movement forum hosted by Rev. Al Sharpton in New York City. The forum was insightful and empowering as it pertains to getting members of African American leadership to see the value of accountability.  NAACP President Ben Jealous gave time to the forum, and even President Barack Obama came […]


The proposed GOP budget cuts that may cause a veto from President Barack Obama and cause a government shut down would have big affect on the Black community as well as Hispanics and the Urban Poor. One the biggest pushes by the GOP is to cut funding for Planned Parenthood. Despite the GOP’s demonization of […]


LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — A weather forecaster says he may have to live off the money he’s been setting aside for a Caribbean vacation. A worker in Washington hopes to polish his resume so he can retire from public service and work in the private sector. An accountant wonders if she can put off her […]


WASHINGTON – Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi has appealed directly to President Barack Obama to halt what the Libyan leader called “an unjust war,” and wished Obama good luck in his bid for re-election next year. In a rambling, three-page letter to Obama obtained Wednesday by The Associated Press, Gadhafi implored Obama to stop the NATO-led […]


CHICAGO-The head of the Nation Of Islam, Louis Farrakhan addressed the war in Libya yesterday and discussed Momar Qaddafi and Barack Obama: NBC Chicago reports: “I don’t care what Gadhafi has done wrong. He’s not the mad dog of the Middle East,” Farrakhan thundered. “The mad dogs are growling and biting in Washington, D.C.” “It’s […]