

Framing the current debate over conspiracy theorist Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene as a partisan battle ignores the role she has played in attempts to destabilize the U.S. government.


The anniversary of the 15th Amendment is a good time to recommit to protecting democracy and ensuring ballot access for all.


GOP congressional members failed to stick a landing in their false comparisons between Greene and Omar in the ongoing fallout to remove Greene from her committee assignments.


Framing attempts to dislodge Rahm Emanuel from positions of power as simply “progressive complaints” ignores his actual controversial history in office and advisory positions alike.


After undermining voter confidence in the state’s system of elections, Georgia Republicans have proposed a fresh round of measures to increase voter suppression and limit participation.


Trump wages on from outside the Oval Office as he faces charges of incitement and insurrection, marking his second impeachment.


While Biden is open to having a conversation with Republican lawmakers, Democrats remain committed to putting the needs of struggling Americans first.


Donald Trump's legal team defending him in his Senate impeachment trial includes the former prosecutor who granted Bill Cosby immunity for the testimony that ultimately led to the disgraced comedian's conviction for sexual assault.


Cori Bush moved her office farther away from QAnon conspiracy theorist Marjorie Taylor Greene in a growing movement to have the Georgia Rep. expelled from Congress for "advocacy for extremism and sedition."


President Joe Biden Biden rescinded the Mexico City policy, also known as the “global gag rule,” which prevents non-governmental organizations that receive U.S. aid from providing abortion-related services.


Fresh off of losing several high-profile elections, Georgia Republicans have now turned their sights on trying to make absentee ballots use more difficult to cast.


An open letter is calling on Joe Biden to ensure Black veterans' needs and concerns are finally prioritized after what they described as centuries of neglect and unequal treatment by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).