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Transition can be done in doses. How much do you want to take on at once becomes the question? You can do a little transition or a huge transition. For me, I personally knew I wanted to transition into something great, but great things require great transitional movement. Wanting to move into a great transition required me to physically change everything. I sold my home, stepped away from my job, from my management, and my record label. I stepped away from everything and technically stepped out on nothing, but fully expecting and anticipating nothing but greatness. Allowing myself to move into that trust process gave me an incredible opportunity for doors that I didn’t know existed to began to open. Now when I look back I see that it has all been good, but here are the key things that I recognized; it was not easy, it was not quick, some will say “in comparison to their lives it was very quick” but from my perspective it was not. Not only was it a slow process, it was a lonely process and it took me a minute to realize that I had to allow and accept the “alone time.”

I had a lot of time alone and I began to receive it as a positive thing that was supposed to happen. It was planned. For that time and place in transition, it was destined for me to be alone. I was not supposed to be with someone, or dating, or trying to hook up. During that part of transition I realized it was the best place for me at that time. Someone from up above gave me the grace I needed to be alone. Mentally it was a good place for me. I realized that being alone would not last, so I better do all that I could do while I was by myself. Sometimes we think certain things will always be present, but we need to recognize that God can change those things around overnight and what seemed like a long time can immediately become a distant memory. If you are ever blessed with an alone moment…take it. Because before you know it that moment will be gone and you won’t remember what is was like to be alone. I had to realize the advantage of that alone time; I had to recognize that being alone would not always be the scenario in my life.

Transition placed me in a crazy state of being. Yes, I am saying that in many ways I was crazy in comparison to whom I was in the past before going into this new state of transition. I was smart and sane as the new me, but if you compared the new me to the old me, I was crazy. This is my version of me in transition. You can not be cool, calm and collected as you try to walk through transition, you have to let that go and receive the crazy. Crazy can be appropriate while going through transition. Crazy allows you to take risks that will elevate you, where cool, calm and collected may try to keep you in your present state, refusing you to allow yourself to move out and embrace transition. Crazy may be viewed as totally inappropriate but it is necessary. You will eventually get back to the cool, calm and collected later. You have to remember transition is temporary; it is not a permanent state of being. But with transition comes that next level in life, love, and success.