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The Buzz Cincy Featured Video
Illustration of 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)

Source: WENN/Cover / WENN


Ohio Governor Mike DeWine held a press conference confirming that three cases of the Coronavirus COVID-19 have been confirmed in the state after testing.  The Ohio Department of Health also confirmed that eight people have been tested for the virus as of March 9th.

The three confirmed are from Cuyahoga County and are in their mid 50’s.  Two of them are married and began feeling sick after their return from a cruise on the Nile River.  The third person also recently traveled to Washington D.C. to attend a conference.

According to the Ohio Department of Health stated that most persons start to see symptoms “within 14 days of traveling to China or been in close contact with a person known to have COVID-19.”  Coronavirus symptoms are often fever, cough, shortness of breath and more.  If you feel sick please stay home from work and immediately seek medical attention.

Hand sanitizers, ask and disinfectant wipes have been flying off the shelves and are very hard to purchase.   But medical professionals have stressed that the best defense against this virus and others is to thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds.  Also avoid touching your face with your hands including your eyes, nose, and mouth to prevent the spread of germs.

Watch Governor DeWine’s press conference here:


The Latest:




Ohio Department of Health



Three Cases of Coronavirus COVID-19 Confirmed in Ohio  was originally published on mycolumbusmagic.com