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Black History Month Powered by TSU, Barbara Jordan-Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs 

Leaders In The Community

Source: Darlene Duckette / Darlene Duckette

God gave Darlene Duckett a vision in 2010, and it was babies and pregnant women. I didn’t know what to make out of this, said Duckett. She started researching and was able to make sense of the direction that God was leading her in. She aimed forward to getting a nonprofit organization which is called God’s Lovely Butterflies Maternity Home. Duckett’s goal is to open a Maternity Home for Teenage Mother’s and also Single Mother’s, and plans to house them along with their babies. The  program will offer GED classes, parenting classes, cooking classes, and computer classes. Once the teen or single mother leave the maternity home they will be able to have the survival tools they need to care for themselves and their baby. In the mean time, Darlene dedicates her time and gifts to help those in need every August for the past eight years to distribute backpacks to needy children in the community filled with school supplies. In the month of November God’s Lovely Butterflies Maternity Home gives out food-boxes to needy elderly in the community. During the Christmas Holiday she organizes a Toy Drive to give needy children items they desire for Christmas. On a daily Darlene is out in the community helping teenage mothers and single mothers with diapers, wipes, clothing, baby hygiene’s, strollers, car seats, and formula. Every day Darlene works towards her vision, which is why TSU and our Radio One Houston family to recognize Ms. Darlene Duckett for her great work in the community.


Black History Month: Darlene Duckett  was originally published on