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No matter how much we may excel in our daily lives and career, that one moment of rejection can cause even the most secure person to begin to question every aspect of that particular part of their lives. It almost always takes on a negative connotation in your mind, which may cause embarrassment, sadness, and feelings of inadequacy.

Though rejection is not something we care to experience, it is inevitable.

Maybe you’ve been rejected for a job you interviewed for. Or perhaps you have been passed up on a promotion, your ideas aren’t taken seriously at weekly meetings, or you may have been fired altogether. I, for damn sure, have received more rejection letters from potential employers than I care to share. I also have been fired from 3 jobs and laid off twice.

Rejection, I know first hand !

So, since rejection is pretty much unavoidable, what’s the best way to deal with, and get over, it? Here is my advice:

1) Accept Rejection as Redirection. Maybe that job you interviewed for just was NOT a good fit for you. Perhaps there are bigger and better things waiting on you. You may be strapped for cash, but being offered (and accepting) this particular job may cause you to cry in the bathroom during your lunch break (real story). Understand that everything you go after may not be what is in your best interest. Accept the rejection as redirection and keep knocking on doors. The right one will eventually open.

2) Request Feedback. Sometimes rejection is a sign that you do not possess the skills and/or experience for what you are seeking. Instead of sulking in it, request feedback as to why you were denied. It may help navigate you to the resources needed to boost both your resume and confidence.

3) Come Up With Plan B. Recently, I was rejected for a project I was up for. I had already planned out how my day would go in terms of the amount of time spent on the project, time with my kid, time with my family, etc. Well, when things did not turn out the way I expected, I decided to redirect my newly-open time to strengthening my existing businesses. I sat down with my career coach and formulated a plan to remain active, and promote what I already have.

4) Learn A Lesson. Sometimes rejection is necessary. Maybe you were not prepared for a meeting with a client which caused you to lose their business, or perhaps your attitude has caused you to be looked over for a promotion. If, perhaps, you are the reason for the rejection, it is imperative to look within to determine what you can change for the better.

5) Remain Hopeful. Rejection is not a period at the end of a sentence. It is more of a comma. It is not the end-all and be-all with your career or its trajectory. Understand that there is more for you outside of what you did not receive. Keep going for what it is you want, and ultimately it will land at your feet.


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Five Practical Ways To Cope With The Pain Of Professional Rejection  was originally published on