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Yesterday, Pennsylvania became the latest state to rid itself of its ban on same sex marriage. Days prior, Oregon also struck down its ban. Today, a new Gallup poll reveals that 55 percent of Americans now support marriage equality– the highest percentage on record. Other states will soon follow, which is exactly why it’s not far off to assume that Justice Anthony Kennedy may be responsible for making marriage equality the rule of law across the country sooner than later.

And yet, it was only a week ago that a bunch of sourpuss, Bible-toting but not necessarily comprehending Black pastors were out making the media rounds to declare that “the fight is on.” Yes, Pastor Ronald Caldwell of Burnette Inspiration Baptist Church of Detroit told a flock of fools that when it comes to supporters of gay marriage, “You are my enemy! Anybody that’s an enemy of God is an enemy of mine. And now the fight is on! We’ve come together to say, ‘Hell no. We’re not going to sit back.’”

Now, this is a man who lives in Detroit, a city which far more serious matters to concern itself with besides whether two gays get married. One would think a Christian pastor in a poverty-stricken town would know this. After all, Jesus thought poverty was a big no-no, so he’d probably be more inclined to tell his flock to go after the Koch Brothers than your gay uncle and lesbian auntie. Unfortunately, that’d be too much like right, now wouldn’t it, saints?

No? Well, I’d like to extend another hell no to Rev. Stacey Swimp of Flint, Michigan, who told the audience that same-sex marriage will “destroy the backbone of our society.” What great society is she trying to salvage? The one that doesn’t value her life as a woman, as a Black person, and especially as a Black woman?

That reminds me, I sure hope Swimp wasn’t on her menstrual cycle when she was condemning the gays. You know, given “the Bible says…” something to the effect of, “Eww, nasty woman!” in its text on that issue. Funny, how we pick and choose what to believe, huh?

Meanwhile, White pastors like Rev. Rex Evans, pastor of Free Will Baptist Church in Ypsilanti, Michigan, are joining them in the right. On the big bad gay marriage trend, Evans claims, “We love everybody, but we don’t love the (gay) lifestyle. It’s time to take our nation back.”

A White man talking about “taking our nation back.” Sound familiar? I thought so, which is why I’m unsure why Black Christians would be tagging themselves into this fight. After all, Christian dogma was once used against them. How soon we forget.

Enter the very much Black Rev. Rader Johnson of Greater Bibleway Temple in Bay City, Michigan, who said, “We believe in the Judeo-Christian conception on which America was founded upon.” So the slaughter of indigenous people and the enslavement of millions of Africans? Point and laugh, everyone. Rev. Rader earned it.

Frankly, there’s no sense in being too upset about this. All of the aforementioned will be remembered as nothing more than relics of ignorance and intolerance. Nonetheless, I’m just going to sit here and sing Mia X’s “You Don’t Want 2 Go To War.” This fight is almost over and it’s pretty evident which side is going to win.

Michael Arceneaux blogs at, tweets at @youngsinick, and praises Beyoncé’s name everywhere he goes.

Anti-Gay Black Pastors Say You’re Their Enemy If You Support Marriage Equality  was originally published on