
If you have already participated in protests, or are seriously considering it in the future, there are numerous laws you should become acquainted with to protect your rights, your safety, and the safety of others.


In the aftermath of national protests against police brutality and the shooting death of unarmed Black teen Michael Brown nearly a year ago in Ferguson, Missouri,…


Over 400 people took to the streets of New York to protest the recent police killing of Walter Scott and the deaths of many others that have…


The 20-year-old man charged in the shooting of two police officers in Ferguson last week is telling authorities the cops were not his intended targets.…


Pastor Jamal Bryant of Baltimore was one dozens arrested in Ferguson on Monday for protesting police brutality and misconduct. He was charged with assaulting police and disturbing the peace and released the same day. Bryant joined the host of clergymen and women protesting in Ferguson and participated in a march from a local church to […]


If you were involved with Occupy Cincinnati, protested Senate Bill 5 in Columbus, or protested anything this year, congratulations on becoming this year’s Time Magazine person of the year. As it has for the past 84 years, the weekly newsmagazine selected the person (or sometimes group, or thing) that its editors deemed had the single […]