
In this edition of Faith Walking, Erica Campbell talks about the first verse of Romans 12, which asks that we present our bodies to God, wholly and acceptable, noting that it is a “reasonable service.” That means it’s something we’re supposed to do. Erica cautions us against wanting brownie points for doing things that we’re […]


In this edition of Faith Walking, Erica Campbell asks, what kind of leader are you? Everybody in their lives is a leader in some respect, so what kind of leader are you?  In order to answer that question, it’s best you look at your followers. How they carry themselves is a reflection on how you […]

Daily Praise

In this edition of GRIFF’s Prayer, GRIFF is struck by the celebratory spirit that comes with knowing that it’s the day before the latest Madden game is released. He asks that God bless him and his “stupid friends” who will be waiting in line tonight eagerly waiting to purchase the game and get to playing […]


In this edition of the Faith Walk, Erica Campbell tells a quick story about what happened when her sister came to visit and pray with her over the weekend. Erica remarks on the way she prayed to God, from a position of victory as opposed to a place of begging and defeat. Erica also talks […]

Daily Praise

In this edition of the Love Talk, GRIFF is moved in his spirit to say something to all the men listening out there who may feel like things aren’t going the way they want them to be. He explains that men, because of their nature of wanting to fix things, not show emotion and just […]


In this edition of the Faith Walk, Erica Campbell draws from the story of Job, who had to struggle alone through one thing after another which tested his faith. He probably complained, Erica says, as he progressed through the trials that God was giving him. Still, he listened, and eventually got closer to God. She […]


Whether it’s in the morning, during lunch or in the evening, most people try to block out some time every day for prayer.