
Do you think American wealth is evenly distributed? My guess is no, but whether you do or you don’t be prepared to be amazed! The below video shows you how “off” we actually are. Check it out.  


There is a reason President Barack Obama picked Camden, New Jersey as the city to announce a bold police initiative on Monday in an effort…


A report claims some Ohio judges are breaking the law when they jail poor people for failing to pay court fees. The American Civil Liberties Union says municipal court judges are denying defendant’s rights by not granting hearings on their financial status. The report singled out judges in three Northern Ohio counties, as the top […]


For some time, Black Americans have criticized President Obama for what many claim to be a lack of sufficient efforts to help the poor. Whether true or false, it is a criticism that the administration felt necessary to address as it recently released “Creating Pathways to Opportunity,” a report highlighting the numerous actions the president […]


News and official entertainment reports boast a very downward slump for late night talk show host Conan O’Brien who’s TV show has been struck by low ratings since its premiere last year. According to the latest update, ratings for the late night talk show are plummeting and churning out a slow 60 percent. With the […]