
Why bringing back the Nigerian girls who were kidnapped and sold as brides is about a much bigger issue, and one that is almost never…

First Lady Michelle Obama delivered a rare radio address to the nation where she highlighted the Mother’s Day weekend to speak out strongly against the…


Nigerian security forces had advance warning that 329 Nigerian schoolgirls would be kidnapped from Chibok and failed to act, according to disturbing findings by Amnesty…


WASHINGTON (AP) — Michelle Obama on Saturday criticized the kidnapping of scores of Nigerian schoolgirls as an “unconscionable act” carried out by a terrorist group…


WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is pledging to do everything possible to help return to their families more than 300 Nigerian…


WASHINGTON (AP) – Michelle Obama is adding her voice to worldwide calls for the safe return of nearly 300 kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls. The first lady…


As the world mobilizes to safely bring home 276 Nigerian girls who were kidnapped from their school in Chibok, Nigeria on April 14, the subject…