It was an absurd notion all along that President Barack Obama, as the nation’s first black president, could somehow miraculously suppress racism in America simply…


The majority of Black Americans sympathize more with Israel in the ongoing conflict in the Middle East than with Palestine. That’s according to a recent…


There have been lots of conversations across the country about the U.S. and it’s financial crisis. Most recently, the debt ceiling – a topic many of us are already growing weary and tired of hearing about – has been the most dominate news source for weeks. But why so suddenly? And why is so important […]


A recent report suggests that senior citizens will not be retiring anytime soon. Americans in lower-income brackets will need to work as old as 85-years old to survive financially, according to a study by the Employee Benefit Research Institute. The Huffington Post Reports: Only by retiring at 75-years old would a majority of those in […]