Elev8 Health

Heart attacks , strokes and cardiac arrest are affecting our population at a younger and younger age now a days; we must educate ourselves on the warning signs for these ailments in order to stop them before they start. Here are some of the warning signs that you should look out for.

Elev8 Health

Fre Flo Do. Developed by Los Angeles-based Kappel LeRoy Clarke, has become the hard hitting regimen of most major athletes, including Reggie Bush. Football's frenetic nature—the chaos that often calls for players to make split-second game- or career-changing decisions— is difficult to replicate in the gym. Take a look at Reggie's grueling training regimen.

Elev8 Health

There are a handful of factors that can put a man at risk for Prostate Cancer. Know your prostate health and know what puts you at risk. Learn what those risks are and how to help prevent them here.

Elev8 Health

Understanding the health risks for men is a crucial part in maintaining a healthy life. A few simple lifestyle changes can help address mens health concerns including heart disease, cancer, obesity, diabetes and stroke.

Elev8 Health

Depression is a serious but treatable medical condition — a brain disease — that can strike anyone, including men. <strong>In America alone, more than 6 million men have depression each year.</strong>

Elev8 Health

We have all taken vitamins, and vitamin D has always been a part of the list. For years, we were told that we'd have our needs covered if we drank fortified milk, got a few minutes of daily sun exposure (which delivers the vitamin directly to us through our skin), or took calcium or multivitamin supplements containing additional amounts of vitamin D.


Cincinnati officials said they have landed a major convention next month of black mayors from across the country.