Author Graphic The Buzz Cincy

About 1230AM The BUZZ

Over the course of the year, NewsOne has been providing our dedicated readers a variety of content that spans from politics, sports, and entertainment. One…

Feature Story

Later this afternoon, President Barack Obama will meet with Democratic congressional leaders Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) and Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) along with their Republican counterparts Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) and Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky) hoping to avert going over the highly publicized “fiscal cliff.” With the White House previously noting how stagnant the talks […]


Make room Danica Patrick, there’s a new girl in town. Tia Norfleet was recently licensed as Nascar’s first African-American female driver. She made her NASCAR racing…


There’s never any shortage of crazy college stories out there, but Jamar Darnell Thomas (pictured) might take the cake for one of the nuttiest campus…

Not all stress can be avoided, and it’s not healthy to avoid a situation that needs to be addressed. You may be surprised, however, by…


Dr.  Cornel West, who has long been a vocal critic of the plutocrats and oligarchs controlling the beltway, has never shied away from being politically…

Make sure to watch:President Obama & First Lady Michelle Obama Send Holiday Greetings! and Johnathan Butler “The Exclusive Performance” [VIDEO]