Author Graphic The Buzz Cincy

About 1230AM The BUZZ

Pastor Creflo Dollar is known for many things. He is a minster, advocate for families, writer, recording artist, father and husband. One thing he never…


It’s official: the party is off! It looks like the rumors about Oprah Winfrey canceling her massive birthday gala are true. E! News reports the…

Minutes after President Obama concluded his State of the Union Address last night, Phillip Agnew of the youth empowerment group, the Dream Defenders delivered the…


Atlanta is in the midst of what is being referred to as one of the worst traffic jams in history. Beginning on Tuesday, the traffic…

While all eyes were on President Obama for the 2014 night’s State of The Union address, as usual, style watchers had their eyes out for…

Pope Francis, who is known for his independent streak and for captivating crowds, has landed the February 2014 cover of Rolling Stone magazine. “The times…