Author Graphic The Buzz Cincy

About 1230AM The BUZZ

  The president said black leaders also needed to encourage their communities to get out the vote in November’s elections. He recalled meeting people on…


Radio One founder and chairperson Cathy Hughes was awarded the Economic and Business Award by the Black Women’s Agenda, Inc. on Friday. The women’s organization…


A woman, who is being referred to as Autumn Lily Speaker on Reddit, blew her lid after daughter’s second-grade teacher refused to serve a batch of vagina cookies that she baked. The bizarre tale was shared by someone who is friends with the teacher and goes by the name JPStudly on the social networking and news site. As the […]


It seems never-ending that the presidential office continues to be blatantly disrespected as folks from the highest and lowest echelons of society to continue to take racist…


After issuing a belated apology for his police force’s missteps surrounding the tragic murder of Ferguson, Mo.,  youth Michael Brown, Police Chief Tom Jackson (pictured)…