Author Graphic The Buzz Cincy

About 1230AM The BUZZ


Well look who had a, “come to Jesus” moment. Ex-Scandal star Columbus Short is finally spilling the tea on why he left the hit ABC show. Short stopped by…


      Sony Pictures executives shouldn’t expect an invite to Angelina Jolie or Kevin Hart’s house anytime soon. In newly leaked e-mails courtesy of the…


Oh no. Ray J’s girlfriend Princess Love considered suicide. According to TMZ, Ray J called the police, today, after receiving a text from Princess who…


As with other forms of discrimination in the workplace, gender discrimination can be so subtle that most women are unaware of its existence until the…


Little did spoken word artist Steven Prescod (pictured on stage) ever fathom that one day, he would not only entertain U.K.’s royal couple, Prince William (pictured second from right,…

This morning we received an editorial from Dr James C. Perkins, President of Progressive National Baptist Convention. It is an eye opening challenge for the…

Rev. Al Sharpton and the families of  Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, Mike Brown, Akai Gurley and Tamir Rice are uniting to take a stand against police violence.…