Author Graphic The Buzz Cincy

About 1230AM The BUZZ


For iPhone:   Cyber Monday is big business. Last year, Americans spent over $1.7 billion online the Monday following Thanksgiving, an 18% increase over 2012,…

Radio One Exclusives

(Wearing a suede 2-pice by Wanda Grace at the 2014 Soul Train Awards) Lifestyled With April Watts was invited to hang out in Las Vegas for 4 amazing…


Raven Taylor (pictured) is facing a laundry list of traffic-related charges such as driving without insurance, failure to obey traffic signals and reckless conduct after she led…


(photo credit: Christie Smith) The country has been in an uproar following the decision to not indict Officer Darren Wilson for the murder of college-bound teenager Michael Brown in…


The family of recently deceased 93-year-old Olivia Blair are upset over the fact that Pastor Walter F. Houston of the Fourth Missionary Baptist Church in…