Author Graphic The Buzz Cincy

About 1230AM The BUZZ


One man’s attempt to hide from police failed miserably when he tried to spray paint his face and blend into “the background” after stealing a…


A family is mourning the loss of 45-year-old Simone Jones, who died during a plastic surgery procedure in New York last month. The family is seeking…


Police investigating a brutal brawl that occurred in a Brooklyn McDonald’s have arrested five teenagers in connection with the beating that left a 15-year-old girl with…


Rihanna may be making fans wait on her latest album, but the singer has a great excuse — she’s busy making history as the first black woman to be…


Dr. Olivia Hooker, the first African-American woman to actively enroll in the U.S. Coast Guard, was honored last week with not one, but two commemorative…


A surgical team is pleased to announce the first successful penis transplant in South Africa, BBC News reports. The operation took place in December 2014; the…