
GOP congressional leaders are looking to repeal an initiative that was created to prevent mentally ill individuals from purchasing guns.


President Barack Obama says the Democratic Party needs to be rebuilt from the ground up.


African American federal workers will feel the brunt of Donald Trump's proposed federal workforce reform.


State legislators believe Trump's presidency will directly affect climate control, immigration, and criminal justice reform, but are confident Holder possesses the political and legal acumen to keep them in tact.


Attorney General of California Kamala Harris, who became the second Black woman to be elected to the U.S. Senate, and former Maryland Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown are among leaders scheduled to serve in Congress in 2017.


Senate Democrats to seek common ground with Trump in areas opposed by establishment Republicans. Their strategy is to drive a wedge between GOP lawmakers and the president-elect.


Sen. Harry Reid warns of a risk in normalizing bigotry and sexual assault under Donald Trump's presidency. He urged Trump to rescind his Bannon appointment.


Members of the U.S. Senate have proven they’re all talk and no action and failed to pass common sense gun control legislation. In the wake of the Orlando Massacre, lawmakers in Washington, D.C. expressed outrage over the horrific shooting, a desire to move on gun control legislation, and agreed to a vote in the Senate to pass a […]


The four amendments addressed background checks for persons interested in purchasing guns and the sale of guns and explosives to figures on terrorist watch lists.


The House of Representatives on Tuesday passed a bill to strengthen U.S. traveling restrictions for citizens from 38 countries.


It's unlikely the vote will turn into law, however; President Barack Obama has vowed to veto the bill, which also contains language to repeal the Affordable Health Care Act.


Criminal justice reform has been a major issue for President Barack Obama, progressives and the #BlackLivesMatter movement. In recent months the Koch Brothers, Democrats and a…