
Looking back at last week’s weather scare and alerts for the impending hurricane up the entire east coast, we’ve heard from many skeptics as the weekend arrived and Hurricane Irene’s projected damage potentially came to pass. We want to know how you feel about the preparation for Hurricane Irene. Was it too much? Did it […]


TRENDING TOPIC – “YOU KNOW YOU’RE FROM CINCINNATI, OHIO IF…” How many times have you been out and about in the Queen City and someone said, wore or did something then you said to yourself “…only in Cincinnati…”? Well now it’s your turn to represent not only your hood, but your city and the people, […]

WATCH THE LIVE WDBZ WEBCAM RIGHT HERE ON 1230AM WDBZ THE BUZZ & THEBUZZCINCY.COM Watch “The Lincoln Ware Show” Live on the WDBZ Webcam Every Monday – Friday from 10AM-2PM If you have questions, comments or simply want to talk to Lincoln Ware, submit your remarks during the show weekdays from 10am-2pm via the message […]


Your girlfriends might enjoy chatting about this one more than they think. Inside, we'll examine an ongoing dialogue about the plight of black women on television. Ladies, grab a friend or two and let's have some real girl talk this afternoon.