
Cincinnati Mayor Mark Mallory is starring in tonights episode on CBS’s Undercover Boss.  If you have a Twitter account follow me here. If you dont get one, then join the conversation as I break this show down. new TWTR.Widget({ version: 2, type: ‘profile’, rpp: 7, interval: 6000, width: 350, height: 800, theme: { shell: { background: […]

It seems like there is always a debate on the subject of curvy vs. fat. Who and what decides when you’ve crossed that line? Does it mean that anyone over a size 8 is fat, and anyone over a size 4 is curvy? Or is curvy just a “nicer” word for saying fat? Well, thankfully […]

Elev8 Health

MARIE CLAIRE: More than 10 million Americans regularly complain about being bloated. That uncomfortable sensation — the result of air passing through your intestines — is often caused by a tempting culprit: salty and fatty foods. So, what’s safe to eat to keep women from unbuttoning those skinny jeans? Oranges and Watermelons Because water flushes […]