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Today Donnie asks his listeners, during his "Personal Note" segment, "Are you easy to be loved?"


For today's personal note, Donnie McClurkin tells his listeners, in case they feel they've been put off their choosen path, that God always has another plan to get them back on track.


Donnie McClurkin has a personal poem to drop into your spirit today. During his “Personal Note” segment, he reads a poem, entitled “Trust In God and Do The Right”.


Take a listen to today's "Personal Note", as Donnie McClurkin talks about the change in seasons.


Listen to today's "Personal Note" and find out why the test you face is set on purpose.


Feeling that there's no hope, and you can't see light at the end of the tunnel? Take a listen to Donnie McClurkin’s “Personal Note”, and be reminded that the best is yet to come.


Today, Donnie McClurkin relates the church to a hospital that heals the sick. Find out what he's talking about by listening to today's "Personal Note" segment.


Donnie McClurkin has a personal poem to drop into your spirit today. During his “Personal Note” segment, he reads a poem, entitled “God's Grace”.


Take a listen to today's "Personal Note" and hear why dwelling too much on high expectations can sometimes put us in the storm.


Take a moment to listen to Donnie's "Personal Note", as he explains what real friends are.


For today's "Personal Note", Donnie McClurkin advises his listeners to keep this question in mind : what would Jesus do? Also, find out why Donnie thinks this question will lead people in the right path.


For today's "Personal Note", Donnie explains what the the sanctification process is. Find out more about this process, and how it could lead you in the right direction.